Since I decided to say goodbye to the corporate world and become an entrepreneur in 2018, I continuously develop myself and expand my knowledge. To give the best possible support to mothers (to be), partners and their child throughout pregnancy, birth and beyond.
2014 Yoga Teacher Training in Power Vinyasa - Power Living Australia Yoga
2018 - 2020 Holistisch LeefstijlCoach - Academie voor Holistisch Coachen
2020 Yoga Nidra Advanced Module - De Nieuwe Yogaschool (Moena de Jong)
2021 Geboorte doula training - Doula Academie (Maartje Bruning)
2021 2-daagse stage 1e lijn Verloskundige praktijk Veilige Geboorte
2021 5-daagse klinische stage in het AMC onder begeleiding van klinische doula Catharina Ooijens
2021 Postpartum Care Provider Training - Midwife Cafe (Jacky Bloemraad - de Boer)
2022 Privé workshop Rebozo Closing Ceremony in Mexico van een lokale verloskundige & doula
2022 Verdiepingsweekend Pre- en perinatale psychologie met Anna Verwaal
2022 - 2023 Training Trauma Therapy for Baby's and small children - Aumm opleidingsinstituut (Sarito M. Fuhrmann-Bailes)
2022 Holding Space for Trauma - Bia Doula Training (Ilena J Standring)
2022 Rebozo zwangerschap & geboorte workshop met
2022 Zwangerschapsmassage training - Doula Academie (Marije Terpstra)
2022 Kraamdoula training - Doula Academie (Jacky Bloemraad - de Boer)
2022 The Wondrous Pelvis, the Story of our Bones - BiA Doula Training (Claire Eccleston)
2022 A-level Babymassage Docent - Babymassage Nederland (Miranda van Kester)
2023 1-daagse Introductieworkshop Cranio - Upledger Instituut & Peirsman Cranio Sacraal Academie
2023 Special 'Babymassage in de kraamperiode en het intensiveren van de hechting' - Babymassage Nederland (Miranda van Kester)
2023 Kraambedmassage training incl. abortus of verliesgeboorte - BiA Doula Training (Joyce Hoek-Pula & Marlies Phielix)

Alone you can do a lot, but together you achieve more.
I am affiliated with The Dutch Professional Association for Doulas and Babymassage Nederland and you can also find me on and
Soon you an extensive list of specialists I like to work with can be found here. For example an lactation consultant, physiotherapist, osteopath, chiropractor, acupuncturist, cranio sacral therapist, coaches, therapists, psychologist, independent maternity nurse, placenta encapsulation, pregnancy courses, and so on.
Soon more...
If you are urgently looking for a specialist before, during or after your pregnancy, send me a message and let us see who can help you further.